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Air pollution is prevalent throughout the entire United States, and can be a silent killer. Our industrialized world has not come without the consequences. From excess vehicle and factory emissions, to cigarette smoke and outdoor grilling; the sources of contamination are endless.
In our own homes we can easily find dangerous chemicals in the cleaning supplies, paint, fragrances, and wood preservatives we use without thinking. These hazardous toxins can acute harmful effects, such as itchy eyes, excessive coughing/sneezing, and chronic headaches. Worse than that are the long term effects, such as decreased lung function, and cancer.
These toxins can be detected with our TO-15 and Dust (PM) tests.
Mold is also an area of concern, a form of bacteria contamination. Mold can often be spotted by its appearance, turning whatever surface it's grown on to a brown color. Our Mold test can determine if your home's air is contaminated with the bacteria.
Asbestos is another common form of contamination found on Long Island. Many homes built before 1980 were constructed using asbestos materials. Roughly 75% of the homes built in Suffolk County were built during this time period. Our Asbestos test can determine if your home's air is contaminated.
Contact us today to learn more about our air tests!