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Typically, the tap water we use in our homes is very safe to consume. Free of organic compounds, or heavy metals. However, in certain circumstances contamination may be a cause for concern. For example, homes built before 1986 (roughly 75% of the homes in Suffolk County) have an increased risk of lead contamination. This is due to the use of lead in paint, and solder. Bacteria, such as E. Coli, can also get into our drinking water through overloaded septic tanks, and groundwater runoff. There are many different possible sources of contamination of your home's drinking water.
Often times we come into contact with our home's water more than we think. We may not be drinking it, but we use our tap water to cook, brush our teeth, and shower. Luckily, some of this contamination may be easy to spot. If your water has a metallic taste, rotten smell, or is discolored you may want to learn more about having your water tested.
Contact us today to learn more about our water testing!