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Soil contamination is so pervasive it can be under your feet and you don't even know it. Our soil has proven to behave like one massive sink; collecting hazardous materials from sources like lead paint, vehicle emissions, weed killers, and effluent from septic systems. The list goes on.
A vast majority of these toxins come from materials used in the construction, and maintenance of homes built before 1980. Over 70% of the homes on Long Island were built during this time period. Lead, commonly used in paint and solder around this time, is the leading cause of contamination. This, along with over 100 other toxins can be detected through our testing.

Each test looks for specific compounds of interest. Their descriptions give a brief overview of the analysis. The Full Package NYC Part 375 test encompasses all of our soil analyses, and is best for homeowners who are unsure what kind of contamination their soil might have.
Contact us today to learn more about our soil testing!