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Soil: PCBs

Polychlorinated Biphenyls
This soil test detects polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These manmade chemicals have been banned since 1979, however are still present in certain areas.
PCBs were used in electrical equipment and hydraulic fluids because of their stability at extreme temperatures and pressures. Although seemingly beneficial at the time, this characteristic is now proving to be very harmful. When released into the environment through spills, leaks and improper disposal it binds strongly to soil.
When humans are exposed to PCBs, whether it be through  the air we breathe, direct skin contact, or  eating or drinking contaminated foods, it slowly accumulates in our bodies. It's innate stability doesn't allow the compound to break down quickly. Therefore, long term exposure can have severe health effects. 
Some symptoms of PCB exposure may include:
  • Skin lesions
  • Liver damage
  • Birth defects

Individuals coming into direct contact with contaminated soil are at the most risk for exposure.

If you feel testing your home's soil might be right for you, or would like to learn more about our PCB testing, contact us today. Our certified environmental specialists will help you decide if testing is something you should think about.

If it is, one of our certified sample technicians will come directly to your home to retrieve a sample. From there, it will be delivered to the lab for various testing following EPA Method 8082A.

Laboratory equipment will include the Gas Chromatograph coupled with an Electron Capture Detector. This instrument will accurately detect these harmful pollutants at the lowest possible detection levels.

This analysis, along with all of our soil tests, can be grouped together for a discounted rate in our Full Package NYC Part 375 analysis. Please check to see if that test is better suited for you!