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Air: Mold

This air test detects mold contamination in the home. Mold is found in nature, and plays a pivotal part in breaking down dead organic matter. However, mold growth should not happen indoors.
Tiny mold spores can enter our homes through the air without us being able to notice. These tiny spores can then land and surfaces, and grow. Mold is often found in dark, damp areas, where bacteria growth thrives. Most commonly we see mold growth in bathrooms, basements, or anywhere moisture is present. The key to mold control is moisture control.
Testing for mold may be for you if you have recently experienced any of the following:
  • Flooded basement
  • Roof leak
  • Plumbing leak

Often times we can see, or smell mold contamination. It appears somewhat fuzzy, and discolors whatever surface it's grown on.

Symptoms of mold contamination may include:

  • Asthma attacks
  • Skin, eye, nose, or throat irritation
  • Sinus infections/excessive sneezing

If you feel testing your home's air might be right for you, or would like to learn more about our mold testing, contact us today. Our certified environmental specialists will help you decide if testing is something you should think about.

If it is, one of our certified sample technicians will come directly to your home to retrieve a sample. From there, it will be delivered to the lab for testing with various instruments to determine the presence, or absence of mold bacteria in your home.

Contact us today to learn more about our mold testing!