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Soil: VOCs

Volatile Organic Compounds

This soil test detects volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as acetone, benzene, chloroform and many more. These toxic compounds get their name due to their extremely low boiling points, making them volatile at room temperature.

Throughout the years agricultural products have been increasing the number of organic chemicals they use. Although the short term result may be beneficial, the pollution it caused has the potential for disastrous environmental damage. Along with this, organic compounds can contaminate our soil through the following ways:
  • Furnishing products
  • Emissions - vehicle, factory, etc.
  • Waste incineration/dumping
  • Combustion processes

Soil is essentially the "drain" for these organic compounds, most of the time they end up here. They can sometimes be smelt, similar in odor to nail polish remover. However, if you can smell the organic matter you have a serious problem.

Long exposure can result in the following symptoms:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Endocrine/thyroid disruption
  • Birth defects

Unfortunately, the list doesn't end there. Increased exposure can lead to several different cancers and even death. These effects are much more pronounced in children, and can have a life long impact. 

If you feel testing your home's soil might be right for you, or would like to learn more about our VOC testing, contact us today. Our certified environmental specialists will help you decide if testing is something you should think about.

If it is, one of our certified sample technicians will come directly to your home to retrieve a sample. From there, it will be delivered to the lab for various testing following EPA Method 8260C.

Laboratory equipment will include the Gas Chromatograph coupled with a Mass Spectrometer. This instrument will accurately detect these harmful pollutants at the lowest possible detection levels.

Contact us today to learn more about our VOC testing!

This analysis, along with all of our soil tests, can be grouped together for a discounted rate in our Full Package NYC Part 375 analysis. Please check to see if that test is better suited for you!