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Air: Particulate Matter

Particulate Matter

This air test detects particulate matter, including dust, soot, dirt, smoke and liquid droplets. Although a few of these particles are large enough to see, some can only be detected under microscope. Excess inhalation of these airborne particles pose a severe health risk.

Sources of particulate matter (PM) contamination may include:

  • Vehicle emissions
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Burning wood/leaves
  • Outdoor grilling

Along with those, homes that have recently gone under any kind of construction may also be at risk of lingering particulate, and should consider testing.

Symptoms of exposure may include:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Excessive cough/runny nose/sneezing
  • Decreased lung function
  • Irregular heartbeat

Ultimately, long term exposure to certain particulate contamination may lead to cancer.

If you feel testing your home's air might be right for you, or would like to learn more about our particulate matter testing, contact us today. Our certified environmental specialists will help you decide if testing is something you should think about.

If it is, one of our certified sample technicians will come directly to your home to retrieve a sample. From there, it will be delivered to the lab for various testing following NIOSH Method 0600. Laboratory analysis will then detect the size of particulate matter in the sample, if any at all.

Contact us today to learn more about our dust testing!