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Air: TO-15


This air test detects volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as chloroform, freon, toluene, naphthalene, and many more harmful contaminants. A full description of these compounds can be found in the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) listed in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

These toxic compounds are deemed "volatile" because of their extremely low boiling points, making them airborne at temperatures well below typical room temperature (~70º F). Outdoor air pollution is abundant in the form of emissions from vehicles, coal-powered plants and refineries. These chemicals can enter our homes through open doors, and windows. Even worse, we expose our homes to these contaminants through many everyday household products.

They are frequently found in the following:

  • Air fresheners
  • Paint
  • Cleaning products
  • Fragrances
  • Wood preservatives

Contamination of your air with these compounds can have extremely adverse effects on your health.

Health effects may include:

  • Excessive coughing/wheezing
  • Impaired lung function
  • Consistent headaches
  • Damage to nervous system and brain
  • Birth defects
  • Cancer - lung, kidney, stomach

Unfortunately, the list doesn't end there. The long term effects of coming into contact with these pollutants are extremely alarming. 

If you feel testing your home's air might be right for you, or would like to learn more about our TO-15 testing, contact us today. Our certified environmental specialists will help you decide if testing is something you should think about.

If it is, one of our certified sample technicians will come directly to your home to retrieve a sample. From there, it will be delivered to the lab for various testing following EPA Method TO-15.

Laboratory equipment will include the Gas Chromatograph coupled with a Mass Spectrometer. This instrument will accurately detect these harmful contaminants at the lowest possible detection levels.

Contact us today to learn more about our hazardous air pollutant (TO-15) testing!